Friday, June 29, 2012

Those Songs...

Do you ever hear a song from past chapters in your life that bring you back to that time?
I was recently on a road trip and I traveled down memory lane via high school playlists. It was a great time in my life and I enjoyed all the wonderful memories I share with some of the greatest people I know.
I turned my attention to my present (I try and live in the present more and more these days) I hear a song that is on when I walk in the door for coffee with my best friend or sing as loud as I can in the car with my husband and brother in law... I know these moments will someday be memories and I like to think that I will remember how I feel at this exact moment with these wonderful people.

New Job

My husband just got a new job that will change our lives in a big way. This new job will have him working swing shifts but he will have the opportunity to go back to school for either a second bachelors in Engineering or a Masters degree. We still aren't sure what avenue he will take. It is going to be a big decision because it will effect what career he chooses. Whether he stays where he is at and continues to advance in that career or change it up a bit and become an engineer. He currently is working as a CNC machinist and is very good at what he does. Either choice he makes I know he will make the best of it.

As for me... Well I'm going to school for paralegal work and I have a little less than a year left. I picked this avenue because it interests me and I know that I have a lot of opportunity and flexibility in this field. However, my dream job is to be a mom. That is where my heart is. I want to be able to provide for my family if I need to work but I know that when the time comes, (which is very soon) Joe and I decide to become parents, I don't want to work unless I absolutely have to. With my husbands new job I will have the option to work or stay home with our future babies. We will have the flexibility and I thank God for that. If you had asked me a month or a year ago if I would be able to stay home with our babies my answer would have been a solid no.

It was an answer to prayer, as my husband and I are going to, very soon be embarking on a new adventure, to have the option to stay home and be financially stable. When I say this job will change our life in a big way the start of our family is mostly what I was referring to. We knew from the beginning that around my 25th birthday we would start a family (if we didn't have any earlier surprises).  When talking about growing our family one of the biggest concerns was if we are financially ready for a baby. My mother in law gave us the best advice about that. She said something along the lines of... "When people tell you babies are expensive that is hoopla." Babies do cost money don't get me wrong but you learn to add them into your budget and your priorities change. You find yourself spending more on diapers and formula but less on going out to eat and to the movies. She said babies don't have to cost an arm and a leg, they don't need the latest and greatest because in about a week they will grow out of whatever outfit or pair of shoes you bought them. She should know all about having babies on a budget. She had 6 of them. I was very thankful for the advice knowing that adding a baby to our family doesn't have to break the bank. So the talks and prayers continued and well... the future is out of our hands we will just see what happens in the next year or two. 

Baby C

Changing up my blog a bit

I'm going to start using my blog for everyday life posts instead of just my photography. I will continue to post photography pictures but I will also be updating on real life events and other aspects of life.