Wednesday, July 25, 2012


I'm going to school for paralegal work and I have to admit... the more I learn about the laws and statutes of the United States the less I want to know. I forget that sometimes it is easier to be in the dark.

Monday, July 16, 2012

E's Senior Pictures

S's Senior Pictures

N's Senior Pictures

The Details

It's the details of a wedding one usually forgets so here are some of my favorite details from F and C's wedding 6/30/2012. 

Today's reflections

Why is it that when we should be the most content we are the most impatient for the next part.
My husband got the job. We have the house that works for us best. We have our puppy. Now what?
Exactly now what. Shouldn't I be content? This is part of my living in the present and not in the past or the future that has me questioning this. Usually I am all for the next part, but not today.
Today I want the next part to stay in the future. It will come in due time. I want to enjoy this part of life. The new job and our small condo and our puppy. As we get older we will add on to our lives. The babies will come, the house will get bigger, and our puppy will get older.
Do I really want to rush that? Yes and no. Today mostly no. Tomorrow maybe a different question.

So for today. I am happy. I am happy with just today.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Two Year Anniversary

Most often I read letters and posts to significant others claiming that the last however long have been the best in their life and that they are married to their best friend. I don't know the personal lives of those faces behind the words but I do know that sometimes we lie so people don't know how hard marriage is sometimes. Tomorrow marks two years for my husband and I. The last two years have not been easy nor have my husband and I been best friends. I wish I could say it was all sunshine and butterflies but in reality we have had more bad days than good days (at least it seemed like it). I watched our wedding video and remember that my entire walk down the aisle I never looked away from the handsome man waiting for me at the end. All I could think was just a few more steps than I can take his hand, your almost there, don't throw up, just breathe. There was a lot of love that day and happiness beyond words. However, the story after that day has not been a fairy tale. It isn't even the fault of my husband. Mostly the bad dies are on me. I am selfish, prideful and stubborn beyond words. I have really high expectations and an idea of how things are supposed to go. When things don't go my way, it is really disappointing. I realize it is immature and childish to have these feelings whether they are spoken or not. The fact that my husband has stuck by me through all my irrational thoughts, fears, and other quirks says a lot about the type of man he is. He is loyal and loves me through it all. That is really all I can ask for. Joe knew what he was getting into and still asked me to marry him. He still stood at the end of the aisle and he still said I do. He tells me he loves me everyday and he has never asked me to change. I know that I am introducing myself as a horrible person, I'm not a horrible person but I have given my husband two years of greif and not enough love. For that Joe, I am sorry. I can't promise that I won't have selfish moments in the future but I can promise to love you with a deeper love from this day forward. I had an idea of love and it was mostly the feeling of love before we got married. Through these last two years you have showed me the real meaning of love. The other side of love. Not just a love that man is supposed to show a woman, but the love that God shows us. You are exactly the person God has chosen for me and I am so very thankful for that.